Monday, November 30, 2009

Canine Influenza | Canine Flu | Canine Flu Symptoms

Canine Influenza | Canine Flu | Canine Flu Symptoms

Canine influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by dogs on a type A influenza virus. It is believed to be limited to dogs. He was first diagnosed in 2004, when a strain of equine influenza - H3N8 - was found in greyhounds in Florida. The scientists concluded that the virus had jumped the species of horses and dogs had adapted to travel efficiently between the canines. In September 2005, the virus has been classified by the U.S. health agency CDC as "a new emerging pathogen in the dog population.

Dogs were considered immune to the flu until relatively recently.

Canine flu first emerged in 2004 when a rare disease was diagnosed between circuits greyhound racing dogs in Florida.

Virologists from Cornell University Diagnostic Center for Animal Health in Ithaca, New York, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Florida and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that the dogs have had a H3N8 type of influenza normally found only in horses. Significantly, it was the first scientific report of equine influenza virus jumping the species barrier.

What are the Canine flu symptoms?
As with human influenza, the main symptoms of this disease in dogs are a cough, runny nose and fever. In some cases, however, dogs may develop a serious illness. If a dog starts coughing regularly, owners must make an appointment with a veterinarian so that they can assess the dog and recommend an appropriate course of treatment.

Can my dog die from canine influenza?
Only the small number of dogs die from canine influenza. About 80 percent of dogs have a relatively mild version of bird and so recover without medication or hospitalization.

How does the dog flu spread?
There are several ways in which the canine influenza virus can spread:

* by direct contact with infected dogs and their respiratory secretions
* by contact with contaminated objects
* by people moving between infected and uninfected dogs.

Dog owners whose pets dislay symptoms of influenza should be isolated from other dogs. Should also be clean and disinfect clothing, equipment, surfaces and hands after exposure to dogs with the flu.

There is a test for canine influenza?
"Yes?" Veterinarians can perform tests on respiratory secretions. These must be collected at the onset of the disease or by taking two blood samples, the first, while the animal is sick, and the second of two to three weeks later.

How is canine influenza?
Canine influenza is a new virus so that it is not yet a vaccine to counter it. For now, the best
Treatment consists of supportive care by the dog owner of the animal, while the immune system responds to the virus.

In mild cases of the disease, which may include some medication for the dog comfortable. Dogs can also
be given fluids to keep properly hydrated. Antibiotics may be prescribed by a veterinarian if a secondary bacterial infection.

What is the risk to humans from this virus?

Unlike recent H1N1 influenza virus that spread from pigs to humans, no evidence has not yet been found of transmission of canine influenza virus from dogs to humans. Not a single case of human infection with canine influenza virus has been reported. However, the American CDC, has warned that the nature of new influenza viruses is such that this rule is not a possibility. In a statement that says:

"Humans with new infections by the influenza viruses (against which the human population has little immunity) would be relative, if they occur. Flu viruses change constantly and may have a virus to change to enable it to infect humans and spread easily among humans. This virus could pose a threat of an influenza pandemic. For this reason, CDC and its partners are monitoring the H3N8 influenza virus (and other animal influenza viruses), along with cases of possible human exposure to these viruses very closely. In general, however, the canine influenza virus is considered to pose a threat to humans from low ".

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