Kennel Flu, Kennel Flu Symptoms
In an acute respiratory disease, highly contagious, usually affected the larynx, trachea, bronchi and nasal mucosa sometimes. The kennel Flu is one of the most prevalent in dogs and is distributed worldwide.
What causes Kennel Flu?
It is caused by multiple bacterial agents such as Bordetella bronchiseptica, streptococci, staphylococci, and viral agents such as parainfluenza, adenovirus, reovirus, herpesvirus and mycoplasma occasions, are most often related to the disease.
Kennel Flu Symptoms:
The clinical signs will vary depending on the causative agents, patient's environment, physical condition and age, but in general we can say that there are two forms of presentation that has no complications, is the most common, is characterized by the dry, hacking cough which is aggravated by excitement or exercise, may have nasal discharge and conjunctivitis.
This cough is triggered by the simple action of pulling the collar or the least excitement of the dog. It is very common among dogs that come with stroller, or who were in day care or exposure as they are places where a large canine population. It is very easy to spread as droplets spread by splashing a sick dog to cough.
After coughing episodeos arching the back, open jaws and snout suffer remove a frothy white discharge, these can be interpreted as an attempt to vomit. In most cases sick dogs eat well and stay alert and active during infection in these patients by clinical signs usually resolve spontaneously within two weeks or less, and the disease is self limiting.
Kennel Flu Prognosis:
While not a fatal disease causes severe discomfort in both the animal and the owners, since cough is manifested mostly at night disturbing the rest of them.
The prognosis is good, though one must understand and emphasize that for most medical effort that takes place is sometimes necessary to wait 2 weeks or more for that nagging cough disappears.
In the complicated form of animals with increased risk of complications are small and miniature breeds, the most common signs include difficulty breathing, weight loss, fever, decreased appetite. Sometimes the disease progresses and in severe cases animals die.
Kennel Flu Prevention:
Prevention is very simple, you should vaccinate all adult dogs, while the puppies must receive a proper plan of revaccination against this disease.
Currently you have created a vaccine and other subcutaneous intranasal use both ensure a speedy and complete immunity in 72 hours applied, allowing use in dogs face a moment of risk as being out with Stroller, presentation at exhibitions or Nursery stays.
In the prevention of this disease in addition to vaccination due to the variety of causative agents of primary importance is suggested hygienic measures as disinfection, quarantine and optimum handling.
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