Saturday, December 19, 2009

Misconception about Dog Flu, Swine Flu

Misconception about Dog Flu, Swine Flu

The swine flu is not transmitted to either dogs or cats, there is no need to continually bath, but it is extremely good hygiene at home, to combat the virus that affects the country. I'll give you a little explanation about the virus, this virus is similar to the flu influenza type A, only one of many that exist when applied to pigs the symptoms are similar to those of people.

However, despite producing a high rate of morbidity (ill) the mortality rate is small and only a small number of dying animals, of course, due to complications from a damaged immune system.

Usually this type of virus-specific, meaning that only affect animals of the same species.

But what happened today is mutual and that the virus began to spread from animals to humans and then humans to humans.

Therefore, now more than ever we must be careful and take basic hygienic measures, as this minimizes the chance of suffering an infection significantly. For example, it is necessary to disinfect the floors of your house, the door handles and all the common objects that people share, as the speakers of the telephones, tables, among others, with a chlorine solution and benzalkonium chloride. Disinfection must be done on (several times a day), it improves your security at home. Chlorine, which of course there's always at home, works perfectly for disinfecting. The best way to avoid unpleasant events is to have a responsible attitude towards yourself and your family and stop thinking that you do not nothing will happen.

I take care of myself first and take care of my pet, Without doubt, one of the most pressing concerns of the people before the outbreak of swine flu in the country is whether this virus can harm pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, which, iguanas etc.The first thing you should know is that this type of virus does not affect any of our pets, which at this stage is excellent news. The care you give your pets are the norm, without changing what you did today. If your cats are on the street, no risk of contagion, and of course when they return can not transmit the disease. However, you should consider that at least now and in the coming days should seek only to draw your pet time and avoid contact with large groups of people. Remember, the influenza virus is spread by direct contact between people who are infected.For example, if your dog accidentally steps on a spit, do not think coming to your house the dog is going to pollute contagious or because the virus only lasts a short time in the environment.
What if my dog is breathing weird?

If your dog, for example, says respiratory signs than usual, please do not be alarmed, no swine flu.

However, it is important to note that there are diseases that pets can be confused with a case of influenza, such as the canine distemper. As in humans, no medication to your dog, take it to the vet explain to you what happens and give you a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The most important: do not stay with any questions at all costs and try to clear, because today more than ever, fear is a disease that you should avoid. To illustrate that you talked about a story: a client came for consultation, from the beginning of the epidemiological alert, the poor man takes his dog and bathing each time you return, which also inadequate, it is no good. Which it will suffer the consequences of daily baths will be the poor dog, who may bring severe damage to the skin and a terrible dryness. Definitely do not recommend not working.

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