Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dog Flu, Kennel Cough Prophylaxis

Dog Flu, Kennel Cough Prophylaxis

Kennel Cough or Dog Flu
Many infectious agents can cause respiratory disease in dogs, including viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi and parasites. Here we frequently discuss the diagnosed respiratory disease, highly contagious in dogs, known as infectious tracheobronchitis or Kennel Cough or Dog Flu.

Make a proper plan for the vaccination of pets and observe the effect of periods to bring vaccines after walking the dog. Vaccines quintuple, quadruple in order to always ask against the immunizing agent is our mascot. In the winter meces whether to take a walk the dog but with care and time accordingly. Use straps, coat, leave for lunch or a nap, no rain day and not take puppies to places of encounter with other animals to trust your vet makes this known. Do not forget, cough bothers the dog and often the family that lives with him, then patience. For more useful information on the Dog Flu do visit our blog again

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