Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kennel Cough Is Called Barking Cough

Kennel Cough Is Called Barking Cough

Commonly known as "barking cough" or "kennel cough" is an infectious disease, suffered by dogs. Tracheobronchitis It really is an inflammation of the trachea and bronchi. One or more of the following infectious agents cause respiratory disease: canine adenovirus 2, parainfluenza virus and Bordetela. The information in this article is for information only. In all cases you should consult with your veterinarian.

Causes and symptoms of the barking cough.

The most common symptoms of dogs with kennel cough include acute onset of a severe cough, with or without phlegm production. The cough worsened by the stress, pressure on the neck, or enthusiasm. This characteristic cough is something a vet can check checking your dog's throat.

Normally if you have very strong cough (when a person has this type of cough, usually says it has "barking cough") the dog will be quite depressed and the temperature rise. Another symptom is that the dog will not eat and coughs all the time, with a loud noise and hiss. This condition is produced by a bacterium called Bordetela bronquiséptica, also sometimes combined parainfluenza virus and related viruses., Therefore, you need a contagion of another dog and a predisposition to disease, commonly called a drop defenses. As flu in humans, the disease occurs most often in places where there are concentrations of animals breeding in pet stores, but you can also suffer our only dog that does not leave the house.

Dogs are not the only animals that suffer from this problem., The Bordetela bronquiséptica thought it was only a problem for dogs, has now been found which can also infect cats. As seen with other respiratory diseases, cats that are kept in group settings (in kennels board) are more likely to be infected. Slightly infected cats may show no signs of coughing, a cat that coughs is generally more seriously affected by the infection. Nasal discharge may also occur in dogs and cats. Infections and severe pneumonia may occur in young animals, inmunodébiles, and those specimens with preexisting respiratory abnormalities. The sign of complication and death from severe respiratory problems may occur in some extreme cases. The overall picture can be seen within two weeks.

The infectious tracheobronchitis was diagnosed by analysis of samples. Bloodwork, x-rays, and analysis of tracheal wash fluid may be indicated for pets with more severe disease. The study of tracheal secretions may be performed to identify the specific bacteria involved and the best antibiotic to treat it.

Avoiding or preventing barking cough.

* Good food and fresh water always.
* Avoid sudden temperature changes.
* Should be kept in ventilated places without smoke or irritants to the airways.
* Restrict the activity level of your dog for seven to 10 days.
* Reduce your pet's exposure to other animals.

The barking cough is similar to our bird, we recover in about a week in exchange for our dogs and cats will cost them more than two weeks and above all we must give them love. There is some discussion about the need for antibiotics, since most cases are settled without using them. However, the most severely affected animals require such treatment, the veterinarian will select the most appropriate antibiotic. Keep in mind that if the vet prescribes an antibiotic for your pet, we finish the treatment as we have indicated.

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