Kennel Cough Diagnosis
For the proper treatment of the Kennel Cough it is highly necessary that the tests for the diagnosis of the Kennel Cough should be done properly and extent of infection should be checked.
Diagnosis Of Kennel Cough:
The case history of the dog, a proper review and history of the contacts with sick animals or infectious carriers. Healthy hoarse cough which lasts 5 to 10 days after being exposed to inappropriate environment with other dogs. Nasal discharge is mild and infrequent as severe purulent discharge is greenish yellow.
The fever may be present in more severe cases. Do not forget physical examination and chest auscultation performed correctly supervised by the vet. In laboratory blood count is done and is a leukocytosis (possible pneumonia or the most common stress suffered by the animal) and decreased lymphocytes and eosinophils. These are cells that are at the expense of the defense mechenism. It is also possible that intra tracheal cytology will increase in neutrophils. Radiographs are normal in dogs with uncomplicated disease or mild form. In more severe cases there is an interstitial pattern of infection by viruses or bacterial pneumonias occur. They tend to be isolation of infectious agents as elements of study.
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